Highlight Reel: Everything You Need to Know From Black Founders Twitter AMA with Y Combinator Partner Michael Seibel

Monique Woodard
One Percent


Yesterday we had a Twitter AMA with Y Combinator partner and entrepreneur Michael Seibel. Michael is the former founder and CEO of Justin.tv (acquired by Amazon as Twitch.com) and Socialcam (acquired by Autodesk).

Here are some highlights from our conversation.

“Its not a talent issue, tons of minority talent — its an information and access issue.” — Michael Seibel, Partner — Y Combinator

On Applying to Y Combinator

On the application video

On ‘Why Y Combinator?’

On Y Combinator batch sizes

On investment in competitive startups

On technical co-founders

“The opportunity to start the next google should be open to all.”

On Minority Talent

On minorities in the tech pipeline

On minority computer science majors

On Y Combinator and diversity

On minority entrepreneurs

“…it’s hard to convince others to back you if you aren’t all in.”

On Starting a Startup

On going from small to big

On storytelling and investor buy-in

“I think it is so much easier to do tech here [the Bay Area] — I’d say move”

On minorities raising outside of Silicon Valley

On international startups

Y Combinator applications are due March 27 by 8pm PST Apply now.



Monique Woodard
One Percent

Breaking things on the internet since 1999. Investor writing about investor-y things.