And so we had

Thomas Despin
5 min readOct 9, 2015


Hey guys. Sorry in advance, but you are not ready for that! And me neither btw. So, breathe. Deeper. Deeeeeper.
Stop. OK! — 1, 2, 3.
Let’s go!

I have to introduce you to someone really important to me today. This guy is my friend. And this guy could be you, I, or anyone who will identify with the following story.

Ok wait.. Breathe again. Handle it. Exhaaaaaaale.

I know Théau for 5 years now.

We have a lot of things in common. We are:

  • entrepreneurs
  • dreamers
  • achievers
  • makers
  • travelers

But above all, we have that kind of personality you maybe already know: both of us are scanners.

That’s not a disease. We are (probably) not going to die because of that. But it means a lot of things.

  • We have millions of ideas all the time
  • It’s easy for us to learn new things.. But not to be an expert at one thing
  • We have difficulties in focusing on one project at a time
  • We can get bored super easily, even with things we love
  • It’s easier for us to do many things at the same time


Since we knew about our scanner personality, we tried to “heal” it as much as we could:

  • We started to think deeper about what we really love/want
  • We stopped talking about millions of projects and we started to create things. For real
  • We pushed our limits, we took risks, we tried new things out of our main projects to avoid being bored

Théau owns a clothing brand in France. He works 4 months a year and travels the 8 months. Right now he’s learning how to code in Paris.

He had startups, apps, shops, teams and loves unicorns

He used to manage 10 people teams who work for him and is now going from markets to physical shops.

This was in Netherlands, when I still had this kind of MVP homemade sign on the back of the bike..!

I am cycling around the world to meet amazing startups CEO’s, incubators and coworking space (Startup Cycling).

I already did 6,000km by bike between Bordeaux, France and Tallinn,Estonia and my goal is to cross all the Europe, Asia and the USA.

In 6 months, I met more than 65 different startups in 10 different countries.

One of my (thousands of) goals is to manage to build a startup while I’m on the road and to inspire people with the nomad lifestyle I’m living day by day.

From the outside, this looks cool. At least, we think it’s cool. Of course, we designed the life we both have today step by step, and finally it looks like what we want in the end.


Even if we manage to build our own projects, even if we try to stop being scanners, even if our life is fucking cool.. We still miss something.

Maybe you already had this feeling. That everything should be perfect and awesome from the outside. But from the inside… It’s not.

What’s happening?


It’s our personality. And at some points, we had several phone calls recently to tell each other our last achievements. He was in Paris, I was in Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn..

As it’s our PERSONALITY, we don’t have to CHANGE IT, but we have to do our best WITH IT.

Conclusion: it’s a big mistake to try to change this “drawback” as it’s something really deep. It’s how we are. Trying to fake something else is a mistake and it avoids us to enjoy fully what we live.


“And what if I pulled out all my ideas out of my Evernote and made it real MVPs/landing pages ?” — #OSAD

Startup House Budapest — And what if we rented the biggest penthouse ever in Budapest to create a temporary Startup House during one month with 15 other people?

This idea excited us more than ever before! And the first 5 people who already know all the details about the project signed up directly in the next 5 minutes.

We will live that crazy experience with 10 more people entrepreneurs, developers, designers, and any kind of creative makers who really want to try a new way to make things happen!

Now you probably want to know more details about the project and how you could join our crazy team for 1 month in Budapest.

You can be part of the first people who will receive more informations.


It’s super easy. Just be quick. We will send the information mail to the first 100 subscribers only.

Things are happening on !

We will let you know when it’s too late to subscribe, and so you can still follow the official Medium Publication of the project to follow the project and wait for the next session.

Don’t be selfish, share this article to your achiever friends :)



Thomas Despin

I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands, in Indonesia — Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — |