12 Surprising Things I've Learned About Keto

Two weeks down, my lifetime to go.

Shannon Ashley
One Table, One World


Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay

1. If you don't track your food, you could be doing it all wrong.

Especially in the beginning, you've got to put that shit into My Fitness Pal or whatever tracker works best for you. Too many of us fall into the trap of grabbing meat and cheese on the go and assuming we’re good.

Big nope. If I pick out my food before tracking it, the macros are never quite right. I have to track that food as I pick it just to get those macros right.

2. You probably need way less protein and a lot more fat.

There are definitely different ways to do and, but a lot of keto folks basically do low carb without any Atkins phases like induction. But keto isn’t a high protein diet--you’re supposed to build your meals around fat and only consume moderate amounts of protein.

My protein target is only 60 grams which definitely doesn’t amount to all the meat and cheese you’d like. In some cases that’s like seven flimsy slices of cheese. Seven.

3. It’s the macro grams that matter and not the percentages.



Shannon Ashley
One Table, One World

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com