A Bulge With Benefits

The superfood that is cauliflower.

Sherry McGuinn
One Table, One World


Immo Wegmann/Unsplash

Mark Twain said, “Cauliflower is nothing but a cabbage with a college education.”

GED or PhD, Cauliflower is definitely having a moment. Especially among those following a low-carb diet.

Before I launch into why you should be eating this incredible veggie, I’d like to offer up some “fun facts,” that I’m certain you’re dying to know.

The word “cauliflower” comes from the Italian “caoli fiori,” meaning “cabbage flower.” (We goombahs make everything sound better, except “bah-fungoo.”) The ultimate origin of the name is from the Latin words “caulis” which is cabbage and flos, or flower.

An annual plant, cauliflower reproduces by seed. (There’s something vaguely sexy about that. Or else, I’m just very needy.)

By the way, I was going to title this story, “More Than a Bulge in Your Pantry,” but I thought that would be untoward, and not at all, “me.”

The plants produce cross-shaped flowers and bear seeds in dry capsules, or “siliques.”

Each plant reaches about 1.5 feet tall, with large, rounded leaves that resemble collard greens.



Sherry McGuinn
One Table, One World

Long-time writer and big-time dreamer. Screenwriter. Cat mama. Red lip aficionado. sherrymcguinn@gmail.com