A Pantry Plate that will Tantalize Your Taste buds

This simple meal of pantry Red Thai Curry-tofu and vegetable sides will leave your taste buds dancing.

Melissa A. Matthews
One Table, One World


Tofu Red Thai Curry with garlicky greens, sweet potato and a slice of avocado| photo by author

This past week was my birthday and I have made a habit of celebrating the little things in life. In the lead up to and following the start of my 36th revolution around the sun, this meal felt like a party in my mouth.

I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up, food was an absolutely essential part of our birthday celebrations. My mom and granny didn’t do elaborate birthday parties or presents. Instead, each year, they’d pick the fanciest restaurant they could afford, we’d all get dressed up and go out to eat for me and my twin sister’s birthday. As we grew older, we could each choose one friend to invite to our birthday dinner. Those dinners taught us so much about food, culture and the world that they likely had no other avenue to expose us to.

As a well-traveled adult, I still use food as a way of exploring other cultures. Thai food is a personal favorite of mine. However, I’m not stickler for authenticity in my kitchen. I don’t mind playing with flavors and ingredients especially because I firmly believe in reducing the amount of food waste in ou house. I tend to use what I have to get as close to the flavors I’m trying to…

