A Tribute to Spinach

Or, why Popeye was right about this green, leafy powerhouse

Kathryn Dillon
One Table, One World


“Popeye was right about spinach: dark green, leafy vegetables are the healthiest food on the planet. As whole foods go, they offer the most nutrition per calorie.” — Michael Greger, physician and advocate for a whole food, plant-based diet

It’s another gorgeous early-spring day in Cleveland, with brilliant sunshine, temperatures that are a tad higher than the norm for March, and the kind of clear blue skies that people who don’t live here refuse to believe we ever see in our part of the world.

Warmer weather is just around the corner, and we’re starting to get spring fever. Along with that, our bodies crave fresh produce, but we have a long way to go before prime harvest season in Northeast Ohio.

With the anticipation of spring, we long for lighter foods, just as so many of us crave comforting, hearty fare during the winter. Fortunately, we can look forward to spinach, coming soon to a farmer’s market near you!

Spinach plants prefer cooler weather, making it one of the earliest crops in Ohio and other Northern states. Its short growing cycle also allows us to enjoy a second harvest in the fall.

It can be planted in late winter/early spring, and then again in late summer/early fall…



Kathryn Dillon
One Table, One World

Life’s a journey. Sometimes a peaceful hike in the woods, sometimes a screaming joyride down a dark highway. I’m on a quest to discover my truth by sharing it.