Photo by author. Soup was eaten shortly after!

Clean Out the Fridge Soup

Make something delicious from all the odds & ends.

Kim Duke
7 min readApr 13, 2020


Mondays are one of my favorite days of the week. Why? Because while I’m writing — I also make soup. When you chop vegetables you craft food-for-thought-sentences at the same time. The key thing is — I never have any real idea of what kind of soup I will make. It all depends upon what lurks in my fridge.

Listen — let’s go have a look in your fridge right now. Let’s take an inventory of the odds and ends you have hiding in there. Some mashed potatoes from a few days ago? A half of an onion in a baggie? Some limp celery? Drag them out.

Don’t have any meat? No worries. Have more meat than vegetables? You can work with that as long as you have a few onions and a small bag of noodles. Chop up some wilted lettuce from the fridge and add it to your meaty soup — yes — you can put lettuce in soup!

Maybe you have a lonely piece of cooked bacon in tinfoil. Or a small bob of cheese in the cheese drawer that’s a few days away from being funky. A handful of peas in the freezer? All good.

Perhaps you have a little chunk of cabbage and turnip that’s starting to wizen. Or a tiny glurk of leftover red wine. A half-jar of salsa that needs to be used up? Soup likes those ingredients too. The secret — is knowing what you should put



Kim Duke

I happily write about food, nature, and quirks of life. Creator of Scribbly: a snail mail writing program that you need in your life!