Family Recipes Keep us Connected to Our Memories

Whenever I feel lonely for my family, I pull out my recipe box and cook

Beth Bruno
One Table, One World


Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash

“Recipes are like poems, they keep what kept us.” Henri Coulett

If we are lucky, we have a stash of family recipes, written in the handwriting of our family members past and present. It is in my box of handwritten recipes that I find comfort when I am longing to be transported to my grandmother’s kitchen, or the long-ago kitchen of my youth. When I want to elicit the mood of my mother’s kitchen in winter, when the wood stove was glowing and a pot of soup simmered, I cook.

Sitting with my box of recipes connects me to all the times I was nourished and loved by the hands that wrote these recipes down. This connection is as visceral as actually being in my grandmother’s kitchen on a summer afternoon, or my childhood kitchen on a winter evening.

One of the things I love about this treasure trove of memories is that each one tells a story. Many of my recipes are written on scraps of paper — whatever was handy at the time — and that, in itself, is part of the story.



Beth Bruno
One Table, One World

Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.