How I'm Getting Back On The Keto Train

With 7 baby steps.

Shannon Ashley
One Table, One World


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In just a few hours, I'm giving a live video chat about my writing and I have all of these fat thoughts. April was, for the most part, filled with mindless eating and certain dietary indulgences that didn't help me lose any weight.

I predictably went off my keto eating plan for my daughter's birthday. And then I went to Atlanta where I may easily find legit Thai and Indian food. Or boba tea.

After that little vacation, Easter happened. And then the candy clearances at Target.

It's that embarrassing.

At any rate, I recognized that we've already got a new month upon us. Hello, May. I can't keep making excuses. It's time to get back on track.

Here's how I'm doing that:

Upping my water intake.

Staying hydrated is already important any time you're trying to lose weight. It's even more important when you follow a ketogenic diet. Personally, this is not my favorite part of going keto. For whatever reason, my thirst decreases on keto, so drinking water is actually a chore.

But I have to do it, so today is all about remembering my water. I'll start with 2 liters a day and work on adding more. I'm heavy, which means I can afford to drink a…



Shannon Ashley
One Table, One World

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 📧