I Joined a Bean Club and Didn’t Tell My Husband

The funny thing is that he does all the cooking around here. But it turns out this is more complicated than that.

Shannon Page
One Table, One World
8 min readOct 29, 2019


Our first delivery! Beannnns!

It all started when I had my first-ever colonoscopy earlier this year and they told me that I was healthy and all, pretty much, but that I should get more fiber in my diet — including more beans.

No, that’s not actually true, not about where it started. That’s just where it started this time.

I actually love beans. My hippie parents were vegetarians during my formative years, and beans were a very important part of our diet.

(Plus tofu, of course, and cheese, and way too much broccoli — but this story is about beans.)

I didn’t mean to not tell my husband. I believe in honesty in a marriage, especially considering that I haven’t always perfectly managed the truthfulness-thing in prior marriages. Marriages which ended, for lots of reasons which aren’t really part of this story about beans, but the failure of the truthfulness-thing was definitely part of the equation.

Anyway the point is, I feel pretty strongly about telling the truth now, not just in marriage but everywhere. Particularly as it relates to figuring out who I am, and what I want, and what…



Shannon Page
One Table, One World

Writer, editor, thinker of things, living on Orcas Island, Washington state. https://www.shannonpage.net