Making Delicious 3 Ingredient Yoghurt with an Instant Pot

The most annoying probiotic treat just became easier than pie to make

Jordan Fraser
One Table, One World


Photo by Alisha Hieb on Unsplash

Before today, I’d never in my life been capable of making a yoghurt that anyone would want to eat. No matter what technique I tried, it either came out watery or full of lumps.

This always baffled my friends who’ve always loved to eat all the cheeses I make. They couldn’t understand how making a robust cheddar is so much easier for me than making an edible yoghurt.

Until today that is..

My Instant Pot just sitting and waiting to be useful

Instant Pot

Over the holiday period I splurged and bought myself an Instant Pot. I only knew these things existed because they were topping the Christmas sales charts and I was curious what the heck they were.

It turns out they’re like slow cookers.. except fast.
You throw all your ingredients into the pot and pressure cook it in half the time it would normally take. I was curious, so I got one online while the getting was good.

