Photo was taken by the author. Wrap was eaten shortly after!

This Scandinavian Lunch Wrap Is Off The Charts Good

And it will probably be the best thing you eat all summer.

Kim Duke
3 min readJul 13, 2020


It must have been Fate. Years ago I worked for a national television network and my boss loved to hold working lunches. Usually, the meeting was as dry as the sandwiches he brought in from a local deli. Gag. But on that fateful day, he ordered wraps from our cafeteria run by a Scandanavian woman who was an amazing cook.

I remember nothing about that meeting. But I still remember the unusual and delicious wrap (and I’m still making it today!)

The platter was in the middle of the boardroom table. On one side, the normal roast beef wraps. On the other? Spinach wraps with chicken, cold, steamed asparagus, and long slices of mango. (Plus a few other good things — keep reading!)

I zoomed in on that wrap, took one bite and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. It was a mind-bend. I’d never eaten anything like it. So when the rest of the sales guys ignored the “weird mango thing” and ate the beef wraps — I stole all the spinach mango wraps with an evil laugh and tucked them into a little fridge in our office. And then I dashed upstairs to the cafeteria with the empty platter and to compliment the cook.



Kim Duke

I happily write about food, nature, and quirks of life. Creator of Scribbly: a snail mail writing program that you need in your life!