A Quick Breakfast You Can Keep In The Fridge for 6 Weeks?

This old school recipe is perfect for busy mornings.


At this moment, I am living with three lovely adults and two dogs in our little downsized house. My husband’s brother, his wife and their sweet greyhound, Dottie, are staying with us temporarily while they wait for their moving van to arrive at their new home.

As you can imagine, the mornings are a little nuts with four adults and two energy-filled dogs clamoring for coffee and breakfast. (The dogs only get one cup of coffee.)

But something makes all this craziness worthwhile— the glorious fresh-baked bran muffins my sister-in-law makes for us every morning.

Let me back up a minute. Normally — I hate bran muffins. They were one of those healthy foods my mom tried to spring on my sister and me when we were kids. I detested them. So when the recent offer of bran muffins was made — my inner voice said, “Ummm — no thanks!”

Thankfully, my outer-voice said yes and I did try one.

What the hell — have I ever been missing out.



Kim Duke
One Table, One World

I happily write about food, nature, and quirks of life. Creator of Scribbly: a snail mail writing program that you need in your life! www.kimdukewrites.com