Image by Kasjan Farbisz from Pixabay

The Wonderfully Delicious Sass of Dill Pickle Soup

Quick! Dig out the dill pickle jar hiding in the back of your fridge.

Kim Duke
One Table, One World
3 min readDec 5, 2019


I confess — I am an obsessed lover of pickles. And so years ago when I stumbled upon a restaurant that was famous for their dill pickle soup — I was all in.

The unusual soup was creamy, slightly sour, and had a wonderful texture. I couldn’t wait to try making it at home. Because as much as I loved this soup — they charged $10 for an itty bitty bowl and I’m the kind of soup lover who needs a bowl the size of my head. Maybe you know how I feel.

And so the experimentation began. I’ve tried many varieties and brands and discovered I like a firmer pickle vs a mushy one. And I always make sure to buy a jar of snappy, garlic pickles made in the USA, or Canada or Poland. (The Polish really are rockstars with pickles. So make sure to read the back of the jar.)

When I made my first batch of dill pickle soup and offered it to a friend who claimed to love pickles— she acted strangely. She was being a fickle pickle friend.

Like I had offered her eye of newt from my cauldron.

Her eyebrows went up and she took the most ridiculously small amount on her spoon. I know I rolled my eyes at her.



Kim Duke
One Table, One World

I happily write about food, nature, and quirks of life. Creator of Scribbly: a snail mail writing program that you need in your life!