Archive of stories published by One-Tech Mind

The Father Of Mobile Computing (Alan Kay) Is Not Impressed

In a long interview with Brian Merchant (author of ‘The One Device’), Alan Kay discussed his detailed views on computing. Specifically, Kay outlines how our amazing computers are usually deduced to consumption devices due to lack…

Reddit audiophile largely impressed with HomePod

Judging from my analytics, this post on HomePod’s technology is proving particularly popular over the last week as launch nears. In similar vein, WinterCharm from Reddit’s audiophile community had an hour with HomePod and has great things to…

Nikola Tesla predicted the smartphone in 1926

I saw this through Daring Fireball and just had to share. Here’s the relevant bit of a Tesla interview with Collier’s magazine in 1926:

When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain…

These were the top 10 stories published by One-Tech Mind; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2017, 2018.

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