Introducing One Thing

Benjamin Howard
One Thing
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

There’s so much happening in the world right now. With executive orders and legislative battles swirling at home and with political turmoil and violence overseas, there’s just so much information to take in. It’s confusing and it’s often overwhelming.

At the same time there is so much energy and such a fierce desire to get involved in ways that many of us have never experienced before. The passion and sheer volume of people aching to work together in a quest to make a better world is truly inspiring. But with that newfound energy comes a barrage of questions: How do I get involved? What do I do? What’s important? How can I truly help?

And the quiet question lurking underneath at all…will it last? Will the energy be stoked into a roaring fire, or will it burn hot and fast?

In one of his last stump speeches for Hillary Clinton, President Obama implored his audience to focus, because “if we lose focus, we could have problems.”

We want to help you focus.

Today we’re introducing One Thing a newsletter built on clarity, action, and hope. In each issue, we’ll provide you with One Thing You Should Know, One Thing You Can Do, and One Thing To Give You Hope.

Our goal is to provide clarity and context about one piece of news you need to know about, recommend one simple action that you can do to make the world better, and finally, leave you with one example of hope to inspire you and keep the energy flowing.

We know that the world is overwhelming, but together, we will not be overwhelmed.

We’ll be releasing our first issue on Monday. If this sounds like what you’re looking for, subscribe here.

