Why I Joined Medium Academy

In this short article, you will find out my reasons why I decided to pay for the Medium course

Jakub Jirak
One Thousand and Beyond
5 min readMar 29, 2023


Medium Academy by Mark Ellis | Image courtesy of Jakub Jirák

Since I’ve been writing on Medium for over a year, I decided to take my writing a little further again. I want to help myself do just that by taking one of the courses. In my first phase, I invested in ebooks around Medium, I read every single one I purchased, but the ebook that added the most value was the one by Mark.

Each time I read it, I found something new that I had missed before. As a result, I read it five times. Although the eBook is written very directly, the real gold is hidden between the lines, and you will only see it when you start writing because it is not enough to write. You also need to know the platform you are writing on.

Over time you will realize or not how some things work, and at that point, reading the eBook will give you more than if you want to start writing.

Medium courses

While writing on Medium, I was offered several courses from different writers, for example, Sinem Günel, Zulie Rane, Blogging guide and many others, ranging from free courses on skillshare to a couple of hundred EURO per course. The most expensive course I was offered was even $1500, the second most expensive was 600 EURO.

These were offers from people unknown to me, practically everything started with subscribing to a newsletter with a free guide or similar hook followed by hard cold emails charging courses and discounts.

Including tactics for the last remaining spots and prices only valid for the last few hours. I found this to be a disgusting marketing practice in practice, and as a result, I am not surprised that Mr Attila Vágó wrote that Medium courses are just a scam.

I thought so myself for a long time too, and that was when I started thinking about sharing my experiences with writing and this platform with writers. The only that didn’t happen has Mark announced his Medium Academy. Given that his ebook was targeted correctly and at least for me, his advice worked, I didn’t hesitate and decided to support Mark’s efforts, so I got his course in the highest tier.

What helped me in my writing?

I tried getting ebooks/books from various authors around the medium.

The last ebook I’ll mention here is by Mark Ellis. For me, it was the one you’d take the most from. Sometimes you need to read between the lines, but if you have an open mind, it will help you.

The problem with most of the authors who have prepared these materials for us is that after buying/supporting the author, you get caught in the crossfire of various upsells, from offering more ebooks to overpriced courses.

If I were to rank the authors I’ve read in terms of usefulness, then the ebook by Mark had the most added value for me. Tim Denning and I’d rate Justin’s book third.

It would deserve a higher ranking, but I only got to his book after about nine months of writing, so it didn’t give me that much. It would have been more valuable if I'd gotten to it sooner.

Choice of Tier

Mark offers three tiers for his course + a student discount. In the offer, we can see only the course for $299, then the course and community for $349 and Alumni for $459, which is also the tier I chose without hesitation and now you will see why. As such, I don’t expect to learn much new from the course as I’ve been writing for over a year and have a steady income from Medium.

The main advantage of the course is that it will be a live lecture with the option of questioning. But the biggest advantage is somewhere else entirely. The real gold you can get by taking the course is access to a community of people just as crazy as you are.

That’s why I didn’t hesitate and chose the highest tier, which will give me unlimited access to a community of writers. Where we can discuss our strategies together, as well as evaluate failures and successes. Together, we can move forward in a way that an individual would be hard-pressed even to experience.


If you have read this far, thank you, we will meet you who have decided to take the course at least on discord or live lectures. I’m a bit of a nerd, and I wrote my plugin for Google Chrome to fill in what was missing on Medium and had to do some complicated tracking. When writing this article, I’d gone through 237 721 tags on Medium, and most weren’t even useful. But we will learn something about tags later in the cohort.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article! If you enjoyed it, I appreciate your support through likes 👏🏻 and comments 💬. And if you want more content like this, don’t forget to follow me! Cheers 😊👌👋

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Jakub Jirak
One Thousand and Beyond

Content creator | Cat dad | Writing about Technology, Apple, and Innovations. | Proud editor of Mac O'Clock. | Support me at https://ko-fi.com/jakubjirak