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Why I joined the Medium Academy with Mark Ellis

Gary H
One Thousand and Beyond
2 min readMar 29, 2023


For me, writing has always been a struggle. Whether that be in English class throughout high school, my time at university writing up assessments and my dissertation or just writing any sort of long form content for my every day life.

When I first heard about Mark’s Medium Academy I was immediately intrigued. It was something that I knew I needed to work on and it was also something that has been at the back of my mind for a long time. I have dabbled in and out of writing blog posts, online journals and the likes and ultimately they have all ended the same way, deleted. I thought this could be a good chance for me to have some accountability from an individual who has been successful and that I have followed since their earlier stages of YouTube.

All the while having a creative outlet to finally post my thoughts and ideas.

These thoughts and ideas will drive me to achieve my goal of becoming a consistent, more informed and better writer. I aim to learn the goings on of a good post, how best to structure written content for this online platform, how I can utilise a personal site to have as a second bank of information and a whole lot more. I have a couple of hobbies and activities I am passionate about so I also hope that by documenting my journey will be able to steer me down the path that I feel most strongly about when it comes to being able to write posts and articles.

This passion is all it is at the moment. I joined this cohort to develop myself and this is my sole reason for now. Yes, I am aware of the potential financial benefits if a consistent writing approach along with hard work is put in but ultimately, for now, this is just all about self-development. Whether I work through the academy and stay consistent with at least a post a week thereafter or I feel like I have explored this enough and don’t wish to take it further is still to be seen.

However, my main thought at this time, is that I want to use this is a stepping stone (or a big leap!) into the world of writing and see where it takes me!

