Meeting About Our Busy Lives

b wrauley
2 min readJul 7, 2015

Date #544 — Tuesday Feb 24, 2015

A: The only photo from this day was a selfie I took at work. How lovely, what you’re stuck with staring at.

We are really busy, but in the best sort of way. We’re busy people. I am really lucky to have met someone who can keep up and keep me going. Lulls are that much more enjoyable and I really love those moments we’re lying on the couch together because it feels like an incredibly well-deserved and quite lovely treat.

I know sometimes that pointing out that we’re super busy (because it makes me excited!) makes B feel a bit overwhelmed. In turn, I get overwhelmed and we butt heads sometimes. We’re still learning how to live together like this, but I’m really happy at how we’re doing thus far.

B: I don’t like to say that we live busy lives — to me it feels like a lie…or complaint. I think, “other people are way more busy than us.” Which I realize is a result of some insecurities, an unwillingness to accept where I am in my life, and causes me to not be as realistic about my needs as possible.

I’m getting better at admitting we are busy. One way to better manage this is scheduling meetings. Yes, we schedule meetings with one another. This is necessary to that our relaxation time doesn’t get filled with discussions about work stuff.

So, I waited for A to come home from a contract and told her I sloted in an hour to talk about our business Porch Light, our web series The Peakbaggeres, and other things. It actually helps.

Originally published at

