b wrauley
3 min readOct 20, 2016

Mother’s Day Jays Game #4 & Goodbyes

Date #852 — Sunday, May 8, 2016

B: Mother’s Day at the Blue Jays game has become a bit of a tradition for us. My Mom loves the Jays and we do too and so it makes sense. It was great for A’s Mom to join in.

There was definitely a contrast between the two Mom’s attending the game. A’s Mom lined up early with us and we got free jerseys and we did all the free activities. My Mom arrived late and was so focused on what was happening on field. I really enjoyed how A’s Mom went with it all.

When my Sisters showed up at the game with the baby (our Nibling) there was a whirlwind of chaos. I got to hold the baby for a bit before they started crying and then needed to be fed and then my Sisters left. Then they came back but the baby slept most of the time and things calmed down.

By the time the game was over and everyone was on their way I realized that A and her Mom didn’t get to hold the baby and didn’t really get to talk to anyone. It was interesting and odd.

A was leaving for Ottawa after the game. She’d be gone for six weeks and it was really sad. I went with her to the airport and said “goodbye”. The whole time I was thinking, “this feels like a cliché airport scene in a movie.” It was kind of surreal. It would be weird to be away from her for six weeks. I felt really OK with it all. I think maybe my confidence from being engaged helped.

A: This was such a whirlwind week and weekend and it went by so fast. B & I brought our moms to a baseball game — my mom had never been with us and it was so much fun! We got up super early, drove down, got jerseys, and had so much fun finding all the free activities to go to. B’s sisters arrived later on and it was our nibling’s first game so that was fun!

What was a bit strange was that my mom and I didn’t really get to talk to B’s family despite being in the same row as them. The energy was really unbalanced, for some reason. We were on the outside and a lot was happening with the baby coming and going for feedings that we didn’t see it or B’s sisters at all really so we just sat and watched the game together with B in the middle.

I was excited that my mom could make it, anyway, and that she got to experience a giveaway day, because I was heading to Ottawa for a contract job right after the game and wouldn’t be home for a while. I was sad to say bye to B but it didn’t really sink in that we wouldn’t be together for a while. I was too stimulated but all the unbalanced emotions and engagement questions and Nous bruce recovery to even notice what was going on all around me…

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