b wrauley
2 min readJun 9, 2016

Skiing + Snowboarding at Mt. St. Louis — Trip 5

Date #802 — Saturday, February 20, 2016

B: I’ve had such a blast going on these trips with A. Every time I get to watch her improve and feel myself improve and that’s such a treat.

This time we got a HUGE burrito before and everything felt like we were in this perfectly relaxed groove. There was no snow in Toronto (it melted), so it always feels weird walking around with our gear.

While out A did her first Black Diamond. I was so proud!! I’ve known she has the skills, but she didn’t feel confident enough. On the past trip and this one I was balancing pushing her and also not being too forceful — it’s important to let people work up to things. I would say things like, “I think you’re ready for a black diamond. You don’t have to go on one, but I think you could.”

When she did she was so proud and happy and I was too.

A: We ate burritos on the bus and I fell asleep immediately after. Later in the evening I saw that B took a selfie with me sleeping which surprised me but also made me laugh so much. It’s such a goofy picture, that I couldn’t resist my own when he was asleep on the way home. I know this might seem trivial but I hope we can be goofy forever.

Oh. Oh! And I did my first black diamond! Queen!

via One Thousand Dates http://ift.tt/1XcIZSj