b wrauley
3 min readJun 12, 2016

Skiing + Snowboarding at Mt. St. Louis — Trip 6

Date #805 — Thursday, February 25, 2016

A: Skiing with B’s dad on a Thursday was amazing. The hills were basically all ours and B’s dad is a great skier. I’m so glad we got to do this because I hadn’t skied with another skier yet, so B’s dad was able to give me a lot of great tips. He went a little “teacher” on me which I didn’t expect — giving me pointers and practicing with me over and over on the little hills which, of course, I got bored with — but we moved on eventually and I definitely became a more confident and better skier because of it. Even B noticed. Sometimes I think he’s biased when he says, “Woah you’ve improved so much since skiing with my dad!” but then I just think that (a) women have a hard time accepting compliments, and this is one example and (b) it’s true, I have improved.

B: I was so happy to go out with my Dad and A. My Dad immigrated to Canada in his twenties because of skiing. He got me in to skiing and snowboarding when I was 4 and he is always so excited and happy to be out.

I knew he would give A some good pointers. They skiied while I worked in the chalet and then joined them after. It was funny hearing A tell me about their lesson. It reminded me of my Dad teaching me — the same highlights and frustrations.

A definitely improved after. She moved her body a lot more, squatting in to turns and standing out of them. She also started using her poles, which was great to see too.

via One Thousand Dates http://ift.tt/1tqlLMW