A Year Of Thursdays

Vaidehi Joshi
One Thousand Words
Published in
1 min readDec 30, 2016

This year, I decided to tell the stories that I had never shared with anyone.

Stories that I struggled to put into sentences, stories that sometimes hurt to think about, stories that I kept coming back to again and again, stories that I wanted to rewrite in my own words.

A thousand words really isn’t a lot, if you think about it. But sometimes, it is just enough to tell the truth — the truth as you remembered it, as you felt it, as you will never forget it.

So, here they are: thousands of words that helped me come back to myself.

It has been healing and liberating to put these words down onto paper. In writing them, I became a little bit more free. Perhaps in reading them, they will help you to be free, too.



Vaidehi Joshi
One Thousand Words

Writing words, writing code. Sometimes doing both at once.