What is Whole Body Intelligence?

Sandra Williamson
One Unified Truth
Published in
5 min readJun 15, 2017


Our bodies are so beautifully designed. Down to our particles, everything has a purpose and everything works together in harmony. This is not a random act; this is the absolute wonder and miracle of our body — what can be described as our Whole Body Intelligence.

As babies, it isn’t questioned, it is accepted that we know when we are hungry, when we are tired, when to poop and pee. It is super simple — we are able to communicate what we need and we start to respond to what is communicated back. Our innate intelligence naturally takes in our surrounds.

The senses of sight, sound, smell and more are developing, and it is the unseen senses that are very finely tuned at this early stage. Babies sense the environment they are in. When their environment is harmonious this confirms their natural joyful essence and this allows them to know and trust what is around them. Babies also feel when there is tension in their environment, and when feeling this they can become unsettled.

Whatever is going on, babies respond or react because their senses and their Whole Body Intelligence communicates it all to them. No language skills required and perhaps nothing visual to detect, but there is an undeniable feeling babies sense and experience from their surroundings.

Furthermore, the experiences shared by people, who have an impairment to one of the five senses, say very clearly that there is a development of an inner sense that offers awareness. Perhaps, we have had our own experiences of an inner knowing, something that can be clearly differentiated from the familiar mind activity… this is Whole Body Intelligence.

So what happens to this finely tuned inner knowing when it comes under the mainstream format of development and learning?

How does a baby with all its innate intelligence become an adult choosing generally unloving, unsupportive activities around a life style that ends up resulting in illness and disease?

Would our bodies choose the type of food, beverage, drug, sport, stress, pressure, default relationship, disgruntled work place etc. that we subject them to?

How do we go from Whole Body Intelligence to just focusing on our mind as the only source of intelligence? Why do we leave our bodies behind to tick boxes, get jobs done and seek recognition and reward? These can be in the form of feeding ourselves chocolate, wine or coffee, intensive exercising, sleeping longer, staying up later, gambling, sex, you name it. We create whatever we want. If we were truly honest, would the body choose any one of these? Would the body choose to over exercise, which not only hurts but also hardens our body? Would the body choose staying up late which on some level we know is exhausting and results in depletion? Have we really stopped to feel how overriding our body with these choices puts pressure on the body?

This begins from young when we are encouraged to override our Whole Body Intelligence and mold into what is seen as manageable for our carers. Take for example forced toilet training — the body knows when to poop, a toddler doesn’t need forcing, they need guidance and support to connect with what their body is actually saying because their body knows when it is time to start using the toilet.

Is it possible the adults try to over ride the Whole Body Intelligence of children to fit in with an adults schedule or requirement of how things are meant to go? Then there is school. What a golden opportunity to support the innate intelligence in a growing person, to encourage their unique expression and offer them the opening to share with the world who they truly are — to be honoured, loved, appreciated, accepted and fully supported when they share what is true for them from their own unique Whole Body Intelligence. But unfortunately the system doesn’t support this; instead it runs a linear approach with the outcomes and objectives of the system, a priority that puts focus on molding a mind, telling it what it has to learn and how it should process this.

This system of ‘educating’ people to be what it is thought they should be has been around a very long time and is suppressing our Whole Body Intelligence. Many children and adults conform; they are on track with what is seen to be acceptable behaviour. Then there are those who go the other way, in a sense ‘blow-out’, because they aren’t buying into the ‘system’, and often use external activities to bury and numb their reactions to it all. While numbing and burying, as well as conforming, are at different ends of the spectrum, they are still choices made from the mind at the expense of the body, dismissing the Whole Body Intelligence that is innately present.

Why is Whole Body Intelligence so important?

Re-connecting to our Whole Body Intelligence is the path to living in true harmony for humanity. It is what is called for — to clear the suffering, ills, hurts and atrocities that are all around. We are already everything within ourselves, we have just been taking detour after detour away from this truth.

We are born with a deep connection to everything through our Whole Body Intelligence, knowing that we are connected to a greater divine intelligence, as is the entire universe.

The mind of men and women think they ‘know’ where intelligence comes from. However the intelligence that originates from the mind isn’t working. If it were would there be so many people that don’t fit the created education system? Would we choose to repeat acts against each other and ourselves that cause harm and make us unwell? What is considered normal intelligence is not working and clearly so. We can tell, if we are willing to peek at what we have created and allow ourselves to feel what is really happening. There is a very strong chance we won’t like what we see and how it feels. At first it may be a little unsettling to allow ourselves to delve underneath the surface — if not absolutely terrifying. But feeling is part of re-connecting to our Whole Body Intelligence, our own unique and precious system that guides us through the myriad of life’s situations. Working against this is making our bodies very sick.

Our innate intelligence would choose none of this. Therefore it seems that at least taking a look at Whole Body Intelligence might just be the most intelligent choice we make, and unless we consider it, we will never know.

So who does live Whole Body Intelligence?

Serge Benhayon is a master of living Whole Body Intelligence — a man, a regular person, and at the same time an amazing universal man.

Serge Benhayon presents extensively, offering incredible understanding of the science of Whole Body Intelligence.

