One Word Feelings

Leon Jacobs
One Word Feelings
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2020

Somewhere in the world, there is someone or something, that is sending me messages.

Whatever it is, it is using a form on my personal website to send me cryptic messages.

It started not long after I changed the front page of the site with a silly form that was intended to start a conversation with whoever landed on it. Just a simple question.

How are you? No, really, how are you?

A few days later the first email came in. As an answer, it was just one random word. And then, the email address of the sender and then the name, written twice. The name seemingly didn’t correspond to the email address. I googled the email addresses, and they always seemed to belong to someone … but never the person whose name was in the sender field.

I smiled and archived it with the rest of the rubbish responses I got. But then, over the next weeks more and more arrived. Every few days a new mail, with a random word, a seemingly legit email address and then followed by an unrelated name — written twice.

I started stacking the random words, the email addresses and the names in a spreadsheet, to see if there was a pattern. If someone was sending me a message or playing an elaborate prank on me. But, no pattern would show itself, at least not to me and my limited code-cracking ability.

I started looking at the IP addresses of the traffic landing on my site and became even more confused. The addresses that corresponded with the transmissions were dotted all over the world. Sweden, Japan, Canada. From the furthest reaches of the planet, I was getting random pongs. From someone — or something.

My best theory now is that it is a script. Just ticking over, picking up a word, scraping a name and an email address and lobbing it my way. And I suspect that somebody made the script and accidentally duplicated the name variable which would explain why every single name is repeated.

Whatever it is, I have now decided that it is a message from the universe. A message to write more. So, from here on, I will take every word that comes from this mysterious place in the universe and write something. Something long, something short … I don’t know yet. All I know is the internet works in mysterious ways.

Hope you read along. Just follow this publication.

