Leon Jacobs
One Word Feelings
Published in
1 min readApr 30, 2020


Right now, I am feeling: redundant
Email: mr.hol****d6190@gmail.com
Name (optional): Liliana Bergnaum Liliana Bergnaum


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

No longer required.

That’s what redundant means.

And it is a word that many people will have heard in the last few weeks as the global economy deflates.

Sorry, you are being made redundant.

You are there. But no longer required. No longer useful.

To be needed is not on Maslow’s great pyramid of needs. That is because it is probably the napkin on which he first drew it. (And then probably tossed it away. Irony.)

So, to be made redundant, is the have the bottom of your world fall out from under you.

It is a hushed conversation, with HR and your manager, followed by the arrival of a registered letter in your home mailbox. A few cuts and your anchor rope is cut and you drift unmoored into the expanse of the ocean.

What the world needs, during this Great Reboot of 2020, is to bring all the boats back. To find new anchors and to re-attach everyone to a new purpose. And to make everyone feel required. There, and needed.

