Escaping Indonesia, Bad Government Bureucracy, Corruption: If you have enough money, leave Indonesia right now!

B Prakusa
The SEA Youth Hub
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2023


If someday I have enough money, leave indonesia immediately! it’s not about nationalism. but limited freedom, poverty, bad education, bad government bureaucracy, corruption and bribery in all elements, freedom of speech is silenced and a lying democracy!”

If I Have Enough Money, I Will Leave Indonesia Immediately!

Indonesia, my homeland which is rich in culture and natural resources. However, unfortunately, many problems hinder the development of this nation. “If I have enough money, I will immediately leave Indonesia". This decision is not about nationalism, but about escaping from limited freedoms, poverty, poor education, bad government bureaucracy, corruption and bribery in all elements, and freedom of expression being silenced in a lying democracy.

First of all, the main problem is the limited freedoms in Indonesia. Freedom of expression and opinion is often seen as a threat to the government or certain groups. There are many cases of silencing critical voices who dare to voice truth and justice. Press freedom is frequently suppressed, and journalists are persecuted or even killed for telling unwanted truths. If there is no freedom of speech, how can we possibly develop as a civilized society? In addition, poverty is also a serious problem in Indonesia. Even though this country is rich in natural resources, many people still live in poverty. High economic inequality, lack of decent job opportunities, and lack of access to quality education are obstacles for many people to achieve a good quality of life. The existence of beggars and street children on city streets is clear evidence of the social injustice that exists in this country.
In addition, poor education is also a serious problem in Indonesia. Low educational standards, irrelevant curricula, and inadequate quality of teachers and facilities result in the low quality of education in this country. Many students leave school with minimal skills, making it difficult for them to compete in a competitive world of work. Poor government bureaucracy and rampant corruption are also major obstacles to Indonesia’s development. The bureaucratic process that is complicated, slow, and full of illegal fees makes it difficult to invest and do business in Indonesia. Rampant corruption at various levels of government, from the local to the national level, is detrimental to the state and society. Public funds that should be used for the development and welfare of the people are often used for personal gain by corrupt officials. Silenced freedom of expression is also a serious problem in Indonesia. Activists, journalists and civil society groups who speak openly about issues that matter are often intimidated, imprisoned, or even face physical threats. Criticism of the government or groups in power is seen as subversive, and the right to voice one’s opinion or express aspirations is often seen as a threat to government stability. This causes people to be afraid to voice their views, and critical voices are often silenced. In addition, the democratic system that is run in Indonesia is also disturbed by deception. Unfulfilled political promises, fraud in general elections, and rampant political manipulation have damaged public trust in the political system. Personal and group interests often take precedence over the interests of the people as a whole. Under such conditions, it is not surprising that many people like me feel limited in their freedom and opportunities in Indonesia. Those who have enough money often choose to leave the country in search of a better life abroad. They seek freedom of speech, social justice, and better economic opportunities.



B Prakusa
The SEA Youth Hub

Just write what I like and my experiences as an SEA (SouthEast Asian) Gen-Z. Sometime Professional and sometime unProfessionals