Building a Cryptoverse: Fun without FUD

Akhil Gupta
One World Nation
5 min readFeb 4, 2022


With One World Nation, we are building a Cryptoverse where your favourite Cryptos will come to life. Each Crypto will be personified and they will be represented by a Crypto Warrior. We are calling these Crypto Warrior as Cryptonites.

🥁 Presenting Crypto-Marvel!!! (YKWIM)

Each one of these Cryptonites will be sold as a unique NFT. You can own them, nurture them and make them more powerful than others! Vision is to create an immersive experience with Cryptos where players can collect them, play fun games with them & earn money!

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Mainstream Adoption of Cryptos

In the last 12 Years almost 300 Million people have come into the world of crypto (this almost doubled in the last 6 months). Cryptos have started seeing mainstream adoption, people not just trade in cryptos, but talk about yields, staking & all kind of fancy De-fi stuff.

Think about our profile pics on social media being NFT, our games generating cryptos as earning, now referrals are no longer about cashback but about airdrops. Cryptos have even encroached Memes and Whatsapp forwards!

Satoshi would have never thought that people would be paying $11.75 Million for a 8 bit character 😯

In a nutshell, our lives have started revolving around Cryptos!


FUD vs Fun

Topic of cryptos have popped up in my conversation with people in the age group of 15 to 60. There eyes lit up when I say that I am starting up a Crypto Gaming Project. They don’t even listen to the concept, as soon as I say crypto they are like:

“Should we buy Bitcoin?” 🤑

“What do you think about Solana? is it really an Ethereum killer?”

Me: 😑

After sometime, they finally ask what is OWN, I start explaining. As soon as I talk about our token, their eyes lit up!

“When will you be releasing your token?” 🤑

$OWNED to the Moon!

After many such conversations I realised that majority of the people invest as low as 100$ (OK, if the whales are reading this, they will be like — “do fishes like Nemo even exist? why do they?” 🙄).

But why do they invest and what stops them from investing more? 🤔

Well, they invest because:

  1. FOMO: Cryptos have come into mainstream, it is part of day to day conversations now, people think they will miss out on an asset class and they should invest now!
  2. Quest to get rich quick!

And then, what’s stopping them, you ask:

FUD-Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt 😰

BTW, to learn more crypto slangs visit our Discord

So, we thought how can we remove FUD and make Crypto markets more FUN. And FUN is no fun in crypto markets if people don’t make money!

Beginning of the Crypto Civilisation

Disney/Pixar has an amazing knack of creating emotions out of things we never thought can have feelings! Movies like Wall-E 😍, Cars and Toy Story make you a part of their world. You start feeling & caring about these characters!

Taking an inspiration from animation movies, we thought why not personify real life cryptocurrencies? Why not put a life to them? Imagine a world where your “Cryptos” live, play fun games and make you earn money as well!

It’s the FUN without FUD!

Imagine if Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana etc were represented by a Warrior. Where each of them have a back-story, aspiration & reason for existence. They have super powers, homes, weapons & what not!

And above all these Crypto Warriors come together for a larger aspiration — an aspiration to rule them all!

PS: Cryptoverse is a place where only Cryptos exist and no Fiat currencies are there at the moment. Who knows, if the community decides to personify Fiat currencies for an interesting battle between Crypto & Fiats😉.

Gateway to the Cryptoverse

Trading is an important aspect of Crypto. If someone is consuming a Web3 product, it will come with some element of crypto trading (Buying tokens, NFT, Swaps etc), figuring out APYs from various protocols etc. Basically some understanding of Markets, various projects & protocols will be required.

Therefore, We thought if we are building a Cryptoverse then why not have Crypto trading as a gateway to this Cryptoverse. Hence we decided to have a first gameplay as a NFT based Crypto Fantasy (Think if Sorare & Crypto Kitties had a Baby). Here players will Collect various Crypto Warrior Cards, create a portfolio of these crypto warriors and compete in a League. The portfolio which makes highest return as per real world crypto markets will win the reward.

And did I mention that, you can breed your Cryptonites to create new ones!

There is a lot more to be unfolded, interesting stories, rise of crypto warriors & gripping gameplays. Come Join us on Discord be part of our community and be the first to know about such developments.

A lot of community projects are also in the pipeline, in case anyone is interested to contribute get in touch here:

We have just revamped our website go check it out:

