Building OWN in Crypto Winters

Akhil Gupta
One World Nation
3 min readMay 12, 2022


Building OWN in Crypto Winters — One World Nation
Building OWN in Crypto Winters

If the internet moved people around the world closer then blockchain tech is creating a trust-less society via decentralisation. At OWN we believe if the Blockchain technology is used responsibly then it can create a larger impact in everybody’s lives.

Technology is a double edged sword and so is the Blockhain technology.. The ecosystem has led to a lot of scams, rugpulls and crashes. This has led to a lot of FUD into the Crypto ecosystem. The latest of them has been the crash of the famous pair LUNA / UST. LUNA came down to 0.24 USD from 90 USD in a week’s time. Lot of people have lost their life’s savings in this!

We believe that the Blockchain led Web3 world is the future and the technology will start maturing once more trustworthy teams start creating projects and great products. We have an ambition of onboarding a billion users into the Crypto ecosystem. We are doing this by creating a game around Crypto markets called Crypto Fantasy. This is like a simulated Crypto market game. In this game people can trade, create portfolios of their favourite Cryptos & earn money even when the Crypto markets crash! The amazing part is one can make returns like Crypto markets without losing all their life’s savings.

Playing this game will help anyone understand the markets better, learn more about each coin and help people to become responsible investors & traders.

In the light of the current Crypto Market scenario where there is a lot of FUD, we at OWN think bringing the Crypto Fantasy gameplay is even more critical. In this market where other projects are delaying the launch we have decided to aggressively work to launch our game ahead of time. Therefore, we have decided to pre-pone the launch of Crypto Fantasy by 45 days. We will launch the game by the 20th of June. This game will create a FUD-less crypto market. Here earnings will be immune to a Crypto Crash!

As we are accelerating the launch of the Crypto fantasy gameplay there will be following changes in the roadmap:

Launch of 12 Cryptonite Clans instead of 4

Earlier the plan was to launch 4 clans in phase 1 and launch other clans in Phase 2 & 3. As we are bringing the fantasy game forward we will launch all the 12 Cryptonite clans at once.

Launch of 400 Genesis NFTs per Clan

A total of 3200 genesis NFTs exist per Crypto clan. As we have increased the number of clans we have reduced the number of units of Genesis NFTs which will go on sale.

Total number of Genesis NFT launch in Lot 1: 4800

The mint date of these genesis NFTs: 20th of May

Come be part of OWN to create a FUD-less crypto ecosystem!

About us

One World Nation (OWN) is a NFT-based play-to-earn gaming platform that will have a bunch of casual and hyper-casual games in an interconnected Metaverse. It is an arcade of games leveraging the web3 technology, centered around the Crypto markets.

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