OWN’s Vision

Akhil Gupta
One World Nation
3 min readMar 9, 2022


3rd January 2009 was a historical date and I am sure Crypto Natives might remember this date more than their better half’s birthday! On this day Bitcoin was born and a new era in the history of mankind started.

Back in the time, no one would have imagined in their wildest of dreams that, some geeky cryptographic stuff called Bitcoin, started by some random anonymous guy — Satoshi, would lead to a massive crypto revolution. The total crypto market cap peaked at 3 Trillion USD in just a matter of 12 years.

Crypto atheists still say it is probably nothing 🤷‍♂ and will keep quoting the 2017 bubble to validate their feelings. They are partly correct that we are in the middle of another bubble. And this bubble will also burst sooner rather than later.

But this time, it is different…

This time crypto has managed to go deeper into the consumers’ needs and has started shifting consumer behaviors. People now like to have NFTs as their profile pics and would like to own & trade digital assets in games! Therefore, once the Bubble will burst Crypto adoption would have become an irreversible change!

To capture this shift in consumer behavior even many big institutions have Blockchain tech as part of their roadmap now

What if I told you that this change of winds in Crypto adoption has brought by only 4% (300 Million) of the total world’s population?

There is a huge opportunity to onboard the rest of the people into the Crypto ecosystem. With only 4% of the population in Crypto, we think the crypto ecosystem is just getting warmed up!

Hence we’re set off on a journey to onboard a billion users into the crypto ecosystem!

But how?

We have spent many hours explaining the Crypto ecosystem to our colleagues, friends and family members and it was tough! Crypto native concepts like — DeFi, wallets, APYs, etc. are not very intuitive for people.

So for a new user, the crypto journey becomes too overwhelming 🤕. This becomes even more difficult due to a lot of FUD associated with Cryptos in general.

Hence, we thought, what if we create a universe that would introduce newcomers to the Crypto ecosystem in an interactive, fun and easy-to-learn way. At the same time creating larger earning opportunities removing all the FUD associated with it.

So, we are gamifying the Crypto ecosystem!

“Gamification is taking a real-life application which is complex, difficult to learn and applying game mechanics to increase user engagement, happiness and adoption!

That’s exactly what the Crypto Ecosystem is lacking. Gamification helps people easily understand complex products and it creates a fun and smooth experience for them. At OWN we believe that we will change the way people feel about the Crypto Ecosystem and make it easier for them to accelerate their journey in the Crypto world.

Therefore, at OWN, we have a Vision as follows:

OWN Vision — ““Onboard a Billion users into Crypto VIA GAMIFICATION OF THE CRYPTO ECOSYSTEM!”
OWN Vision

The next set of articles will cover OWN’s roadmap and the evolution of OWN in three distinct phases.

  1. OWN’s Roadmap
  2. Phase 1: Introduction of Cryptos
  3. Phase 2: Gamification of Crypto Markets
  4. Phase 3: Gamification of Defi

Stay tuned.

Also, join us on our Discord to know more about us, to have an exclusive sneak peek of what we are building, to help us build, or just to chill 🤘:


