14 Inspiring Website Designs That Offer a Great Brand Experience

One X Tech
Published in
10 min readJun 21, 2019

Every website should provide its target audience with a great brand experience. It’s the platform where you can tell what your business represents, the characteristics of your product or service and what values it will bring to your customers. When thinking about designing or re-designing your website, adding the elements that will establish a deeper, long-lasting relationship with your audience is vital. How can you create an engaging website that will convey your messages successfully, convert your visitors into customers and improve your sales results?

It’s not an easy task to design a great website. Your target audience has already seen so many websites that it’s difficult to create something they already haven’t seen. But, there is always a way to tell your story in a unique, creative and interactive way that has never been used before. After all, your business has something unique, so naturally, the story you decide to tell should focus on that element.

To inspire you when thinking about designing a website that will provide your audience with great brand experience, we’ve decided to bring you great examples from various industries to ensure you find something for your business as well. Take a look at our list of companies who managed to tell their unique story through design and your website might end up on our next web design list.


  1. Nature Elixir
  2. Festival d’Aix-en-Provence
  3. Platov International Airport
  4. Cheval Blanc
  5. 8 Ways Media
  6. Zoco Design
  7. Mirrorball
  8. Vegoshi
  9. Oboosho
  10. Laszczuk & Assoc
  11. Beware of Bots
  12. White Square
  13. Chateau Margaux
  14. Webflow eCommerce
  15. Sonoma Valley Museum of Art

1.Nature Elixir: Luxury Shopping Experience For Luxury Lovers

Nature Elixir is an internationally famous hair beauty brand. They carry luxury products and have an beautiful website to show for it. Their website delivers a premium experience to their audience as they have chosen to go with a minimalistic base that emphasises the luxury elements, alongside a matching theme that pairs elegantly with their brand colors. When you visit their web store, you will realise how easy it is to navigate their product catalog. This seamless online experience serves as a hallmark of the elegance and professionalism infused in their overall brand. The website is also decorated with perfectly-timed and fluid animations that help to accentuate the premium feel. Although the site looks minimalistic, these added animations and finesses has helped turned the site into a luxury experience that reinforces their superb brand experience.


2. Festival d’Aix-en-Provence: The Power of Simple Lines

When organizing a festival, it’s vital that your website is created in a way that your target audience can easily find what they need. That’s why many festival organizers will not even try to create something engaging but will stay focused on the functionality aspect. Festival d’Aix-en-Provence did something completely different. For this famous festival, they’ve created a little artwork on their website. These pink and green lines move as you enter the website and follow you as you search for more information. With such a simple solution, they’ve managed to create a completely different experience for this type of audience who, after all, seeks art in many forms.


3. Platov International Airport: Taking Visitors on a Journey

You’ve probably visited more airports than airport websites and there is usually a good reason for it. These websites don’t provide you with anything that is worth your time. So, if you visit the website of Platov International Airport, you will be more than surprised by what you see. They’ve created a clever animation with a plane that flies and lands on the part of their logo which represents a helipad. Below it, they’ve provided essential information for travellers simplifying the navigation through the entire website. Very simple and very clever!


4. Cheval Blanc: Storytelling Starts Behind the Closed Doors

Cheval Blanc takes care of its customers by taking them on luxury destinations. What is unique about their website is that they’ve highlighted their top destinations on their homepage and when you hover over their names with your mouse, the background pictures change to reveal the destination. Before even finding out more details on their offers, you can spend quite some time admiring their carefully chosen photos that simply take your breath away. After all, luxury in the travel industry needs to look like heaven on Earth to attract the audience and that’s exactly what Cheval Blanc did.


5. 8 Ways Media: Demonstrating Your Skills With Simplicity and Minimalism

We’ve already used to seeing creative and strongly engaging websites with web design agencies. To convince their potential clients they know what they are doing, their website needs to be exceptional. When you land on 8 Ways Media’s homepage, you will see a simple animation where the names of the projects are written then erased and replaced with another one. With this fantastic idea of demonstrating their most important projects, visitors who want to see more of their work can simply click on the button below. The entire website is designed to focus on these little pieces of information which are enough to understand the quality of their business. The menu is also hidden in the top right corner until you decide to move away from the homepage.


6. Zoco Design: Saving Your Audience From a Huge Monster Called Design

Moving on to another design agency which has chosen completely different website design. Zoco Design built an entire story for their website as they wanted to highlight that design is not as simple as it might look. With the animation of four-handed monster who is trying to attack the person which is obviously too little to fight such giant monsters, you get the idea why you need help with your design. The rest of their website is simple and informative to add more focus on the battle between these two sides. This makes their visitors think that the outcome of the battle depends on whether they choose this agency or not.


7. Mirrorball: When Brand Experience Turns Into A Brand Galaxy

Visiting Mirrorball’s website is an experience that can’t be described, you need to see it for yourself. You will enter a galaxy where there is only one planet coming closer to you so you can see it better. When the planet comes close enough, you can spin it and enjoy numerous photos that reveal the agency’s work, clients, projects, and so on. These images are also clickable so once you click on a certain image, you will be taken on a page that will provide you with more details. This playful way of showing who they are makes you want to stay on their website and play the entire day.


8. Vegoshi: Starting a Journey With Philosophy Instead of a Plate

You probably don’t visit websites of restaurants that often, but Vegoshi’s website is something you simply can’t resist. First, their logo is truly brilliant. The first letter of their brand name is created from vegetables to highlight that they serve healthy, vegan food. Their messaging is also aligned with the idea of serving more than just food. The image they’ve chosen for their homepage is very inviting and straight to the point. With only a few menu options, their website looks simple and engaging enough to convert.


9. Oboosho: Highlighting the Benefits of the Cleaning Platform

Seeing Oboosho’s website automatically lets you know what this business is about. As a cleaning platform, they’ve created a simple, minimalistic website with a cute mascot ready to do the cleaning for you. All a visitor has to do is to choose among the few options and you will be provided with the adequate offer. What else should a cleaning platform’s website look like other than clean, right?


10. Laszczuk & Assoc: Standing Out From The Crowd Is Always a Great Idea

If you’ve ever visited a website of any law firm before, you’ve probably noticed that design is not one of their strengths. This industry is more focused on creating basic, sometimes boring websites that only provide short information about their lawyers and contact information. However, Laszcuk & Assoc decided to create an edgy website. And it’s really edgy in so many ways, from having a design that wouldn’t immediately be associated with a law firm to including edges to demonstrate how good they are with cutting-edge solutions. Completely unusual and captivating!


11. Beware of Bots: Conversation With a Robot Who Understands Your Business

Beware of Bots went one step further with the design of their website. The moment you land on it, you will see there is not one website similar to this one. Besides turning their entire website in bot language, colours and all other bot-related elements, the entire messaging is coming from the bot itself. Visiting their website is like a conversation with a kind, helpful robot who will explain to you what he will do to help you and why you should trust him. With such a unique and fresh approach, this website deserves to be seen outside its industry for inspiration.


12. White Square: Using Metaphors To Demonstrate Your Creativity

White Square, an investment management solution, is focused on human behaviour and is there for you from the start. From your first idea. From the white square. Their website explains their business name and invites you to start with them immediately. This messaging is excellent on so many levels, from inserting their call-to-action message into a white square to the entire context and usage of the phrase ‘white square’. It’s hard not to continue reading more information on their website with such an intriguing homepage.


13. Chateau Margaux: Storytelling Behind the Closed Doors

This French wine-growing estate knows what their audience wants so they’ve decided to play a video with different aspects of their business on their website. Besides video, they provide useful information about their history, wine choice and how they make their exquisite wines. Letting their visitors see what’s behind closed doors connects with them on an emotional level. With such strong storytelling on their website, their visitors can even learn a thing or two about wines before the purchase.


14. Webflow eCommerce: Good Solutions Are Enough To Attract Customers

When you sell an eCommerce solution to businesses, you don’t have to include captivating images or animations on your website. You just have to know how to craft the right message that highlights the benefits of your solution. That’s exactly what Webflow did with their website. They’re explaining businesses why their stores shouldn’t look like all the others. The company lets them know they can customize stores with their solution and stand out from competitors that way. With such an impactful messaging, you truly don’t need any additional design elements on your website. Providing a free trial option below is also a clever way to take the interaction with visitors to another level.


15. Sonoma Valley Museum of Art: Creative Game With Words

We all expect to see a certain level of creativity when we visit the museum websites, but Sonoma Valley Museum of Art really left us speechless. With such a fun word game, they’ve managed to show why art is so important for our lives. More importantly, with ‘art’ and ‘life’ being the only two words hand-written, they demonstrate these words actually mean the same. This hand-writing method also wants to suggest that these voids are fulfilled by their audience. All of this was created on a plain blue background and two lines of text. Brilliant!



A great brand experience implies your target audience is enjoying all the interactions it has with your brand. With a carefully designed website, you can deliver that level of experience to them. Now, that you’ve seen what some of the websites with great, memorable experience look like, it’s time to design or re-design your own and establish a meaningful relationship with your audience.



One X Tech

Brand & Client Director at One X Tech. Previously advertising at TBWA and Ogilvy. Loves people, brands, and perspectives. www.onextech.com