
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readFeb 2, 2019


I’m still here in this beautiful world, room and body. I’m conscious and aware of the space around and inside me within the limits that my senses allow. My consciousness is bright, I can think and breathe. I’m just grateful for this beautiful experience and for all the senses and states that come with it. I’m grateful for this time and all the great peoples before me that made all of this context possible, and like them, I also have the obligation to bring my contribution to the table on the time that I have and let this place a better place with my skills, my thoughts and actions.

Enlightenment is the space between your thoughts. What is clearer than the void? Therefore you see and experience life for what it really is only when there are not any thoughts involved. When a thought arises in your conciseness to describe what you experience, you are basically destroying the experience itself. Words and thoughts are not able to describe and make you comprehend this wonderful and marvelous experience that you call life, and that you are fortune to experience. Words are only grasping and scratching the surface of the richness and profoundness of your sensorial experience or often diminish it.

This beautiful world and all that happens on it from a narrow point of view seems chaotic and unstructured, but from a wider perspective you can see the order and the harmony of it all. This applies also to your body and mind, from a microscopic point of view it seems chaos and conflict all over the place, from the microorganism from your blood stream till the ones from your gut. Also you can see the chaos of your thoughts generated by all the impulses between your neurons in relation with your senses and previous experiences. But now if you step back and zoom out, you can see how everything fits into place creating order, harmony and an overall compact system.

Being and not being, chaos and order, light and dark, all are one and a whole, everything is in harmony if you really want to see it. Everything impacts everything and is connected in ways that you don’t understand yet.


Your mind is all you have and the most important asset that you give

Life is what you choose

Be present

You are not define by a snapshot of your life but by the whole of it, so don’t destroy your future because of a bad day.

Progress comes with persistence and consistency

Make silence up there, have perspective

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: Hans Zimmer — Time (Inception)


Currently reading: Mastery by Robert Greene

Currently listening: The Laws of Human Nature: Robert Greene

Daily Lesson: Enlightenment is the space between your thoughts

Daily Draw: Alan Watts quick sketch

