
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readOct 3, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For humans

- For this cold I forgot how it felt like

- For being and all that it implies

1 thing that you can do better:

- Getting results


Thoughts create emotions. Take control of your interpretations and you will always be happy practice daily mastering your mind and streams of thoughts (negative cycles -> negative results and so on, be aware that you are doing it, you are the cause not the outside)

Master the filter of your thoughts

You find happiness in the making (act of creation)

Connection and creation


The nature laughs last

Reality checks –sources of pain (decay of your body, forces of nature and other peoples)

Is almost impossible to have thought processes without reverting back to an egocentric state

When you look around it seems that things revolve around you (but is an illusion)

Ego is innate

You suffer because you didn’t realized the this game is not about you

You are not the center of the world again is worth repeating

Most of peoples is thinking in an egocentric way so be sure if you think in the same way you will get the same results

Figure out the rules of the game (nature, peoples etc) and lean in to them and you will be one step ahead

Expect things to go sideways (bridges will be washed out in your life)

The terrible twos

We seek for progress and projecting a better future ahead

When starting a business or progress in some direction is like having a child: first year it keeps you up all night, next 2 or 4 years will make you go crazy )

Things happen rather slowly (12–20 years)

You think to egocentrically you forgot that nature has its own way (natural progression in time)

Just go in the wilderness for some months and you will see who laughs last (most likely not you)

Nature recycles us

Pay attention to nature timing (sometime is time to commit and be patient on the growth process)

1 year kid cost you sleep, stress and money

Respect the seasons and natural cycles of life (this is just a phase)

You need some time working on your craft (10 years at least)

All you get with your senses is media

Know the seasons (0–20->spring, 20–40 -> summer, 40–60 ->autumn, 60–80->winter)

Is easy to lose fate in the winter that will be spring again (but life goes in cycles so hold on)

Spring is planting (for more tests and experiments)

Summer is for activity and sweat (there is a season for everything)

Autumn the harvest (getting the actual results)

Winter for planning the next cycle

Enjoy and appreciate each season

Take care of you child and be patience for its growth (10 years at least)

If you get to fast and push too hard there will be side effects (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, have some balance)

Mother Nature is the meanest teacher (do not push hard on nature you will regret it)

No free lunch (if you what to eat work)

Daily stoic:



Day review:

Up by 5:17

Wash some clothes


Cold shower


Some reading (FLOW)

Get ready (clothes and brush teeth)

Out by 7:30

Call mom

Office by 7:44

Some singletons and inheritance on a project

And some tests

Stand up team on Skype

Out for lunch to a restaurant

Back office

Short talk with a colleague about some personal stuff (I think I’m to open lately, maybe is a good thing I mean how to know best who are your real friends that testing them with some personal stuff)

Brush teeth

Roll back some changes because some library

Made another approach

Still some library problems

Out by 17:00

Pharmacy and Lidl

Some stretching in the park and on my room

Some input Gabor Mate and Leo

Talk with my roommate about some strategies regarding someone that gets bored with programing and doesn’t have the basics and neither the willingness to learn (maybe something else)

Tai 25 step — the seasons of life


This review

Post and rest

