
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readMay 11, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For the morning sun shine, and for the sun of course

- For this world full of colors and for the eyes that can see them

- For the ability to learn

1 thing that you can do better:

- Thinking, mental flexibility


Many things could be a lot easier but you have a gift of making things harder. Keep it simple dear

Play with everything you do, even with the existential problems.

Life statement: see how better I can get(learning, problem solving, thinking)

What I notice is that I think very chaotic trying to spit out everything I know about a subject, with not much of a coherence and logic linking between them.

Thinking errors for the art of thinking clearly by Rolf Dobelli:

11. Availability bias — we create a picture of reality based on the information that we get easily from memory.

12. It gets worse before it gets better fallacy, not necessary ex: appendicitis, there are exception of curse, but this affirmation is relative depending on the context

13. All the stories are fairytales, who is telling the story? what is the intention? what are you missing?

14. Hindside bias — keep a journal when you make prediction and compare with the actual results, you will see how unpredictable this world can be

15. Overconfidence bias — overestimating your knowledge and predictions

16. If someone is great in one domain it doesn’t mean it knows the same in others, experts knows their limits

17. Illusion of control-less than you think, focus on what you actually can control

18. Incentive super-response tendency bias, when confuse of ones behavior think of what might be the reason (90% of the time), and 10% is passion, idiocy, malice etc.

19. Regression to mean, we tent to oscillate and auto regulate to a mean state, sometimes you are up sometimes you are down, so when someone say I ‘was sick , I go to doctor and in a few days I was very well’ it might be that regression to mean

20. Outcome bias, don’t judge a decision by its results, is easy thinking to believe that a result has one cause, when the world complex, unpredictable and has many variables at play

