
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
6 min readSep 4, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For all that I’ve experience till now

- For the life, world and the growth that is left to explore

- For this and the next moment

1 thing that you can do better:

- Meditation (less reactive -> tranquility, cut through the noise -> clarity)


The erotic is an antidote to death

Erotic — sexuality transformed by human imagination (is the meaning and the poetry of sex), something that transforms sex in a place (a place where you connect with aliveness, life force, vitality and mystery, like a transcendent experience above death and mortality) to go not just an act

You can do sex and feel nothing but that is just a poorly use (of lack of it) of your amazing capacity for imagination

Imagination is the ability to transport ourselves outside of this moment that we are in into something complete different (a new sate of consciousness and dimension of being)

Is not loss of desire is loss of curiosity

On sex: survival or revival

Love doesn’t necessary implies sex

We are not made to have desire for one person for life

On honesty: is it worth to crush the other person? It will really help the other party? How impact your words can have on the other person? What should the other person do with all that truth? Think about the consequences, isn’t just an easy path for you to spit your anger out? Well thought response or just an impulse and reaction (automatic reflex, negative pattern of reacting)

Show a little empathy, put in their position make the effort.

Not everything must be said, it may be too much sharing (some things are better left unsaid). Have a little balance, kindness and empathy with your so called truth.

What is more important your truth or the relationship? Don’t forget something once you said it you can’t take it back. So be more careful with your words with them you can bring haven on earth or break the hell lose. So choose wisely

What do you want to create beauty or misery?

Before saying anything harsh that you can take back, slow down, sit with it, ponder on it and figure out what this was really about for you. Write a letter and rewrite it over and over again if it has to.

Very often your mind puts so much shitt where is nothing at all

Often a relationship often has two parts: one person with fear the loss of the other (fear of abandonment) and the other feels the fear of losing itself (fear of suffocation)

Every relationship is a power dynamic

Everything in the world is about sex, except sex that is about power — Oscar Wilde

Why is the forbidden so erotic?

Gas lighting — when you destroy the coherence of someone’s reality, you make the other person feel that it has no longer a grasp on reality, mental torture and making the other person to doubt itself and its perceptions

Where should we begin?

Daily stoic:




Day review:

Up by 6:30



Post FB


Music and Art

Post medium


Movement by 9:00

Cold shower




Catch some thought on my phone


more here :)

Lunch by 15:50 with family

Post my drawing on different platforms


Out for a late walk in nature nearby the home


Captain marvel movie

This review


