
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readNov 4, 2019

Daily stoic:


I’m so full of shit (self-deceiving mechanisms)

Last days I felt that I’m losing my mind so I stop listening to myself (or at least I’ve tried)

THE DILIGENT CELEBRITY & MEETING THE KING (becoming a local celebrity)

Anyone likes acknowledgment and respect

The one that is diligent and skilled in what he/she does should stand with kings

You need intangible (character traits) and tangible skills (hard practical skills)

Get better at learning (acquiring skills)

You don’t what to live your life only for others or only just for you -> misery


Learn and acquire more skills

Day review:

Wake up by 6:20 with a lot of struggle

Move a little

Wash face and head


Out by 7:15

Call mom (still with the cold)

Office by 7:30

Heard two a my colleagues that have kids talking about a team leader that had enough of his job and took a long vacation and then just stayed home

Add 2 diagrams for some documentation


Add a watcher on a task

Then call PO


Some checks before shifting to windows 10

A backup

Leave my laptop for changes

Out by 15:16

Then UPC

Get a number for some services

Back room

Restart the modem, plug and unplug the cables

The wifi was working again right when I made the call to the UPC guy

Out lidl

Some stretching




Some thoughts:

You are here now, you can be resentful about it or you can accept it and work with it

The same energy is spend either if you use to build you up or to tare you down

Stuff just is (and this is pretty amazing) is neither good nor bad it is just there you can make the best with it or the worse (and you have it more than good but you like to fuck up), is always your choice

The way you live is by choice (the choice of being lazy), do you want love? Then go out there and if you don’t find at least give some, do you want a better health, or increase your income? do the work, what is the point of complaining about something you can control

Your life and reality is rendered and filtered through your mind so if your ways of being, thinking and living cause you more suffering than necessary, then guess whose fault is it?

You wouldn’t complain if you did not exist, be grateful boy you really have it the best

Being is awesome at least for you (you have no idea what misery and real pain really means)

Just don’t make things worse and look for ways to make things better

Is never something wrong out there but in your perceptions (in here), the ‘problem’ is never out there that way of thinking is the problem. You just need to find how that can be used for something ‘good’ and how you can turn it upside down and make the obstacle your way

You need to change your eyes and perspective if your current view on things doesn’t help, and adapt, use everything for growth

Without challenges you are as good as dead

Growth comes with pain, and of course that is painful to kill and burn some parts of you that aren’t useful anymore, but is necessary if you want something more from yourself and implicit for your life

Evolve or die that’s how nature works for god sake

Yah is a part of me that doesn’t wants to die but it must

Everyone wants to change without actually changing

Usually you change something when you have enough (not even than if the attachment is too strong and the separation too painful)

this reviw


