
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readFeb 5, 2019


The key questions in order to proper manage yourself from the yesterday article by Peter Drucker:

1) What are my strengths?

For this use feedback analysis: each time you make a decision write down your expectation, after several months compare the results with your expectations, see what went good and what went wrong and why and find ways to correct.

2) How do I work?

These questions may help: In what ways I work best? Reading or listening? Alone or with others? Under pressure or not?

3) What are my values?

What kind a person do you what to see in the mirror? Is your workplace culture in tune with your values?

4) Where do I belong?

Based on your strengths, way of performing and your values, what kind of environment will suits you best?

5) What can I contribute?

Given the your strengths, your work style and your values what great contribution can you bring to your field?

Self-awareness and deep understanding of yourself is power and the beginning of wisdom.

Today from the article; How to Do What You Love — Paul Graham, I gather next:

-Avoid doing something chosen by others, or because of money, prestige or inertia

-Ask yourself: What would you do even if you are not paid for it?

-Always produce, doing this you will find your life work like water finds the hole in your roof

-Too much certainty can be bad, don’t have your life chosen by a high-school kid (I mean your younger version)

-two ways: you either start enjoying what are you doing or you work on things that you don’t like in order to work on thing you do like (two jobs strategy)


How much do you want to grow? It’s measured in the amount of discomfort and challenges you take on

Pressure shapes diamonds, use adversity to shape yourself in something stronger and better, search for it.

Impress yourself, everything you do should be to impress yourself and to see what amazing outputs are you able to generate

If you are alive and can do something about your situation you are all right

A real Alfa male is able to observe his emotion and be detached, having presence of mind, being grounded in reality, having a rational mind, don’t letting anything control him, knowing that his inner state is his business

You are a multidimensional being

Constraints and routines give your life shape

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: AMV — Be the Fear


Currently reading: Mindset by Carol Dweck and How to Do What You Love — Paul Graham

Daily Lesson: Always produce, procrastination is thief and fear is a liar

Daily Draw: Rage sketch

