
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readMar 7, 2019


This life can be very beautiful if you know how to look at it. It is so important to pay attention to the other person and to see what that person needs in that moment and not what you think it needs. Giving is not giving if it’s in your terms. Listen and pay attention get out of your mind and tune in the present and on what is actually happening.

Meet a beautiful person today and we spend time talking about all sorts of things. I manage to open up and give to the other person my truth and some value. At least I hope so. I was true with myself and with the other person and that is important for me. It felt right on the inside.

This life is full of peoples. Be grateful for the good ones but ignore and forgive the rest. See them for their mortal condition, but don’t judge. You don’t know what is happening inside of them. If you will know and understand, you would be more forgiving and not so quick to judge.


You don’t know what is possible unless you try it.

I do it because I can

Every breakthrough needs tension and struggle

You are the ultimate resource

And from this talk:

You have 5 minutes to be sad about something, than full acceptance and taking action for a better direction

See what you can change and what you can’t, and change what you can.

Miracle morning: 1. Affirmations -> 2. Meditation -> 3. Exercise -> 4. Reading -> 5. Journaling

Don’t make such a big deal of it, this too will pass, focus on what you can do to make it better

Success is something you attract by the person you become, become a 10 level person on self-development

Hal Elrod sketch:

Listening: War by Robert Greene , about deterrence -> seem unpredictable, plan ahead

