
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readJul 7, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For this heart and love

- For this beautiful morning

- For all that I gave away

1 thing that you can do better:

- Detachment and moving on


Detach, move on and stop wasting time

Stop living in your head, get out and engage with life

You are your ultimate reality, everything you experience goes through you.

Sometimes there is no need to give any meaning to what happens, just observe and enjoy

You are all you need

Turn fear against it self

“You don’t conquer the anxiety about dying. You meet it with courage” — Paul Tillich

You can’t change the past, but your past can change you for the better or worst (your call)

On relationship: partnership no ownership

Neediness is pathetic: first is exposes your ego and insecurities and second it takes away your peace of mind because you want something that is not under your control

You don’t have a rejection problem you have an ego problem

Ego is the enemy (because of it you ended and beautiful friendship)

Daily stoic:

“It is quite impossible to unite happiness with a yearning for what we don’t have. Happiness has all that it wants, and resembling the well-fed, there shouldn’t be hunger or thirst.”


Jason Silva videos:

Day review:

6:00 Up

Read daily stoic

Move outside

Cold shower


Finish the video from yesterday evening

Post on medium

Take a nap

Start reading forth chapter (Think Win/Win)

Go to Lidl to buy my lunch

Lunch (sushi)

Keep reading

Take another nap

Then out with my best friends to play badminton

Back to my room and start this review

Eat and sleep.

