
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readOct 7, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For sad songs

- For waking up so early (4:22) and an awesome morning

- For colors

1 thing that you can do better:

- More preparation


Practice that’s how it sticks

Mornings are good to get shit done


(The injection of energy to overcome time)

Time will never reverse (3 measures: psychological, cosmological and thermodynamic time)

Life is long if you know how to use it

You and I are humans moving through time

It is not that we have a short time to live but that we waste a lot of it

Life is long enough and a sufficient amount of time had been given to us for the highest achievements if it was all invested well

It was not given to us a short life but we make it short (and waste a lot of time on stupid things)

The most valuable commodity is time and we give it away so easily

Money can be lost and remade but time not

How much are you valuing your time? How do you waste it?

Time goes only one way

Invest correctly ->doubling down on yourself: reading, fitness, save and invest, relationship

Most peoples work for the benefit of others

Focus and put all you energy in your life

Take time for yourself (time to plan and think)

Work on yourself and your life (your greatest projects and responsibilities) so you can really be able to be a help for other. If you cannot help yourself how you can help others?

Don’t let yourself go, create system that keep you in shape and requires little energy

Even if nature laugh last you still have something to say till that end

Remembering the future

You can simulate and approximate the future by getting more knowledge

You begin to transcend time by emersion yourself in philosophy and wisdom (reading and listening)

Who you are learning from? From

The enemy of a good life is expectancy. You can invest in the future and also enjoy now because you know where you are moving towards (your direction)

You can choose your extended family

Embrace the arrow of time

Everything that people had been before do not afraid

How you been wasting your time?

By overthinking and planning (the anxiety of the perfectionist) also clinging too much on something or someone

What or who you procrastinating seeking out?

Someone that written a lot of great books (like Robert Greene) some deep minds with complex understanding of the human nature (also Gabor Mate)

What are you goanna do to slow down entropy?

Better fuel for my body and mind (and not sitting so much and more social)

Daily stoic:


Input (too much):

Day review:

Up by 4:22

Done some planning on the work laptop

And see some issues on a process


Out for movement

Shower, the cold one

Breakfast + music

Reading (daily stoic)

Writing (gratitude list + notes)

Post FB and medium

Out by 7:27

Call mom

Office by 7:38

Some overthinking on a new feature

Stand up team

Call PO

Reminder on the process issue from the morning (lesson: when there is some signs that something is going wrong repair then don’t wait)

Lunch with the team leader

I don’t know why but is always some negative tension between us

Maybe I is just my expectation that he should think in a better way for his age

I should just stop judging that would be good after all he is just human like me and he lived more and go to more shitt then me (he is doing what it thinks is best for him so why would I care is his life)

I don’t know but there is some darkness to him that is not integrated like in may otherwise (neither I can say that I’m fully aware of the all depths of my shadow)

Back to investigate the issue

Find the problems

Some email for some tests

Start the process with a different parameter and everything worked as expected

Next points for tomorrow

Out by 17:30

Back I my room

Out in park for stretching



Leo video on 30 sides of enlightenment (just too much)

Tai 29 step –use your time wisely and will be enough


Music and talk with a roommate

This review

Update post and some sleep

