
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readJan 8, 2019


Is evening and I’m feeling my energy levels dropping, after such a great day of being on the offense. Stop! Hell no, I’m not done with this day, I will squeeze all that I can out of it, I already feel the energy coming back as I write these words.

So let’s talk about the two most important categories of peoples (at least for me): the peoples with a growth mindset and the people with a fixed one. So let’s start with the mindset that I loved and I tried with all I can to incorporate, I’m talking about the growth mindset of course. So what exactly is the growth mindset? It can be define in many forms but it goes something like this: is set of believes or a mental state in which you believe that you can learn and change, that failure, challenges and obstacles are your teachers and shortcuts to a more better version of yourself, you are on the offense not defense, you are testing and trying new things, you are define by a greater and brighter future and not by your past, you see yourself and your life by what it could be, you believe that you can grow and that you future version is net superior your current one. And the most beautiful thing about this mindset is that all this believes are true, the mind can be your most powerful tool or your biggest obstacle. Like Ford said it: If you believe you can or that you can’t either way you’re right. Another trade of the growth mindset is that you are unreasonable in a good way, recognizing a better alternative of life and you are willing to fighting for it and pay the necessary price. And also if you are not aware yet this life is a head game. A great book about this is : Mindset by Carol Dweck that I will get this Friday.

A person with a fixed mindset is define by the past, with limiting believes that shrink his/her reality, operating from a defense mode, thinking that is born with a set of parameters that can’t be changed, running form discomfort and failure and thinking that other peoples that have success have been blessed with that specials gifts without seeing the work behind the scene. Now I’m not saying that are not good genetics that helps for physical performances and different inclinations, what I’m saying is that with work, perseverance and consistency you can become great at your thing, even attain mastery. To find your thing you have to test and see what taste better for you. For example this sketches and portrait that I make has a lot of hours and practice behind, when I look back at the process I can’t see anything that work and a lot of practice. I don’t like the word ‘talent’ because makes peoples neglect the effort needed in order to get great at something, and like Michelangelo said: if people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.


Make your inner voice the most beautiful and supportive one.

Your decisions shapes your destiny — Tony Robbins.

Peak experiences destroy fixed mindset.

In order to have you must do and in order to do you must be.

A measure of intelligence is your ability to change.

Design beats will power –Benjamin Hardy

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: Eminem — Not Afraid


Currently reading: The better angels of our nature by Steven Pinker

Daily Lesson: Life is a head game — David Goggins

Daily Draw: Eminem (from movie: 8 mile) sketch

