
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
1 min readMar 10, 2019


Your body and mind are so connected. You can change the physiology of your mind by moving your body. But also an anxious and fearful way of thinking can have a lot of damage on your body.

Always ask yourself, about each thought that you have: Is this helpful? Is this serving me and helps me to move forward? Is this getting me closer to my target? If not than throw it away and don’t waste your time on it.

Nothing is as big as you think (talking about your problems). When something worry you it is possible to be some lack of clarity about that, just enough so your mind can drift on the wrong direction.

When facing a problem with many unknown variables is good to gather as much information possible about the situation (taking the facts). Than to break down everything to pieces and little actionable steps. At least this is what I will try, plan everything in details and with that clarity start taking action. Through action you also get clarity. So face your problems with clarity.

Currently reading: Emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman

