
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readJul 8, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For this summer

- For being able to laugh at my self and my rejection (best thing that ever happened to me, it helped me to find a bug in this thinking live life fully (lead by the heart) and restore the balance between the mind and heart)

- For this glass of water + magnesium

1 thing that you can do better:

- Play all in


How to get over a rejection: start laughing of your irrational thinking and acting (of how stupid was everything)

I’m free again no more emotional attachment (how mad and crazy this heart can be)

Fuck yah no more wanting of someone else in my life (no in that way)

Having just a beautiful mind with whom to talk deep intellectual matters is more than enough for me:), I’m too young to love someone in a romantic way and drown again in that stupidity

Every time you feel you get involve to much for something, learn to detached and see it (and yourself) from above with clarity (that means no attachment)

I forgot to worship Athena (rationality) and I was drowning in the storm of my emotions thinking that the heart is the right driver and forgetting about the brain (is a balance between this two)

Ego is that part of you that thinks you deserve something without putting in the work for it (personal importance, entitlement)

This life is yours for the taken. Hell Yah. Let the summer begin.

Detachment form the earthly attachments offers you clarity

From what place I’m speaking? (Hot (heart) or Cold (brain))

There is so much to learn. This life has all you need literally. Life is wonder full.

Every thought, even the rational ones, has an emotion attached.

When I’m happy I tried to make everyone happy and when I’m sad I try to keep it in and not spared my misery.

The lessons you experience on your own skin stick the best

Don’t take long term decisions based on short term feelings

My subconscious is awesome at figuring out problems when I leave the loop still open

Your life doesn’t depends on another person you decide if it does

Don’t get too attached to this world. This too will pass.

Daily Stoic:

Listen to Ryan Holiday:

00:30–01.01 write the last massage to apologies and thanks to the lovely girl from last week

5:40 Up + water + magnesium

Read Write Post

Move outside

Breakfast (tone +lemon +peanut butter + yoghurt)

Cold Shower

Get dressed and brush my teeth

Out by 7:15

Call mom

7:35 Office

Check emails last week

Close all my tasks from Jira

Start testing the component that I finished before the vacation on servers

Listen to some Eminem:

Some bug pop up

Then Stand up with the team

Next a call with the PO and find the cause of the bug and other stuff

Lunch (veggie menu + desert)

Brush my teeth

And start thinking and adding some new features to the new component based on the call

Write an email to tell the status about the new component to the higher management

Then by 15:00 I was out

Meet a friend that has celebrate his birthday to the office

Go to a park to meet someone (about a monthly payment)

Meet a young fitness coach and get a voucher

Meet her at a cake shop besides Cluj Arena

Had a wonderful time

Then to the graduation of my brother girlfriend

Go and buy some roses

Than making sure that my massage from 01:01 will reach the lovely girl from last week

Then some hugs and photos with the lucky graduate

The walk back home + Lidl

Diner (fruits youghurt)

Then this review

Next Sleep

