
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readFeb 9, 2019


Your environment, group of friends and the people that you surround with are your reality (+ believes and thoughts = your matrix) and a fundamental law for your self-development like John Maxwell said in his book The 15 fundamentals laws of self-development. The social effect and the peoples we interact with in your first period of life have a huge almost invisible effect on your evolution. First part of your life is for accumulation, because not knowing how the world is and what to do to survive you are dependent to others. So your mind is completely open and ready to accumulate and learn what you need in order to survive, and you learn very fast all kind of skill not just because your mind in this period is very active and at it’s full capacity, but also because you take a position of inferiority depending on others for your survival. In this period you are also very vulnerable to all sorts of ideas and beliefs that you take for granted from peoples that you see as superiors. Lucky for me and the time that I was away from family and the environment where I grow up (by going to university). This time give me some mental space in order to think for my own and see the reality for what is it and cut through the shallowness of religious dogma.

Also the academic environment and peoples were very shallow and I couldn’t relate to it. I needed some strong and anti-fragile principles, deep connected with the actual reality, that I could stand on and properly guide my life. So without finding any satisfying models and examples in my actual context and environment, I started searching in the online landscape. There I found peoples that were actually doing something great with their lifes with a different mindset and way of thinking that I want to incorporate. This are just some of the awesome human beings that I found:

- Gary Vaynerchuk — my favorite one but not quite from the beginning, this great entrepreneur help me cut the bullshitt, get fucking real with myself by taking action and doing the work for anything that I want.

- Tom Bilyeu — help me realize the my thoughts and beliefs are my matrix and to become the learner, knowing that for greatness the price will be at the same level.

- Robbert Greene — help me with his wisdom, saving me some years of trial and error

- And many more like: Tim Ferriss, Ed Mylett, Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Mel Robbins, Jim Kwik, Jocko Willink, Tai Lopez, Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Vishen Lakhinai, David Goggins etc.

So because my environment was bad I had to create a good virtual environment with this titans and being expose constantly to the right stuff despite of my actual context. Very hard to know what to let in, but my life now is much better than before because of theses peoples and their growth mentality that can be seen from their actions and results.


Believe in your actions

Four Gods: Self-control, Empathy, Reason and Morality

Preach reality

Be the learner

Kindness is a gangster

Less judgment and stop complaining

You become a loser when you blame others

Greatness is an ethical issue

Daily cheklist:

Daily Song: Dmitri Shostakovich — Waltz №2


Currently reading: Mindset by Carol Dweck

Daily Lesson: You become a loser when you blame others

Daily Draw: girl sketch

