
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readNov 9, 2019

Daily stoic:


64. FORGETTING WHO’S IN THE ROOM (avoiding the success faux pass)

Most peoples are not evil they just think how to make things work out for themselves and not thinking about you (so expect wrong advices)

Balance know when to listen to yourself on when the other has a better look on your position

Is what you do that dictates your life

What you do changes what you think

Know who is in the room

No one is an island

Know when to talk and when to shut up and open you ears

Humility — he/she might know something I don’t

65. THE PIERIAN SPRING & FROM WHENCE COMETH THE PRIDE (the self-fulfilling delusion)

A little learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep or taste not the pierian spring

Diliton — the person who know just enough to be dangerous (shallow knowledge no time put in)

If you don’t dedicate time to understand something (drink deep) don’t talk about it

There are many who are ‘experts’ after reading just one thing

Listen to sharp guys

If you don’t know (not enough expertize) don’t talk or write about it

The more you know the less you talk (you are more precise and sharp)

Have the modesty and humility to learn from everyone even if is what not to do

Never be worry of being wrong just move on

Expertize come with time and mistakes

Is better to say these things are working in my life than I know a lot of stuff


Day review:

Up by 6:30




Tai next 2 steps


Self-deception part 2

Short nap

Out lidl

Some movement

Lunch roommate

Get very emotional (most vulnerable position that I had till now)

Some snack and some input (Gabor mate)

Call from brother

Refuse this time


Out for some walking

Back for some more input


Posts FB and instagram

Some more input

Talk roommate

This review

A late walk

Then some rest

