
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
1 min readMay 11, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For food

- For the morning exercise and shower

- For the philosophy of stoicism

1 thing that you can do better

- Speak more clearly


Thinking errors for the art of thinking clearly by Rolf Dobelli:

41. Conjunction fallacy, when a subset seems larger than the entire set, which by definition it can not be.

Author conclusion: ‘In conclusion: forget about left brains and right brains. The difference between

intuitive and conscious thinking is much more significant. With important decisions, remember that, at the intuitive level, we have a soft spot for plausible stories. Therefore, be on the lookout for convenient details and happy endings. Remember: if an additional condition has to be met, no matter how plausible it sounds, it will become less, not more, likely.’

42. Framing, how you deliver the message matters. We react differently to identical situations, depending on how they are presented.

43. Action Bias, in a unclear situation action is not always a good move, sometimes you need to take a step back and wait and see.

44. Omission Bias, is the reversal of the action bias, when we should take action to stop a future misfortune but we don’t

45.Self-serving bias, we attribute success to ourselves and failures to external factors

Stoicisms philosophy:

