
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readMar 12, 2019


Ignorance can be a blessing sometimes, because the actual reality can be too overwhelming. Yesterday while going to Germany through the airports and when changing trains to get to Leonberg I saw so many kinds of peoples. So many perceptions on reality. On the cold wind from the train stations i could see some poor people jumping from train to train from some warmth, other using the smoke the to tame the cold. Mostly the distance and coldness between peoples could be felt, most of them being from different parts of the world. I also felt fear, despair and coldness by looking at some people’s eyes. It was a cold and lonely atmosphere.

Ok, let’s shift the attention. I’m awake and still here in a beautiful room from an hotel, and I mean more than beautiful, with all that I will ever need from a place to stay. Is a little bit too luxury for what I’m used to, but of course I like it. I’m so grateful not just for this place but for my context, all the way until now and also my roots. I know that I should be more grateful for anything that is and all that life presents me. I know that I never experience real adversity with not knowing if I will survive and get to live another day. I can talk a lot but I never been there needing to find ways survive and provide for myself with no support from the start.

All that you can imagine and more than you can is here on this speak of dust suspended on a sun beam. The worst of the worst and the best of the best are here. Hell and heaven in the most imaginable and unimaginable ways present themselves is this reality that we all share.


The secret of winning at any game is not trying to hard

You get when you let go. When you want a certain feeling or state to badly most likely you will not get it and get more frustrated.

When you want something too obsessively, you squeeze it too hard and destroy it in the process. Let go.

Treat everything you do like a play, being curious and engage like a child. This world is your playground.

Bro Sketch:

Currently reading :Focus by Daniel Goleman

