
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
3 min readSep 12, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For this reality and my place in it

- For all the life there is to live in front of me

- For my background as it was

1 thing that you can do better:

- Attention


You need to control just one thing: the mind (you choose what you focus on and where your attention goes)

Don’t give your mind so easy

Pay attention to what is in front of you (enough so you see what you have to see)

Contempt gives you objectivity

Real listening implies implementation

Many have outward humility but inward pride (flip it up)

Make beauty with what you have

Learn from everybody that you meet, even if is not what to do

Have the humility to listen

Don’t tell that you are humble show

The good life is get by the ones that are humble enough to do the dirty work

Learn as much you can from everything and everyone

Good artists copy great artists steal

Steal from others mind

Your humbleness level shows you the quality of your life

Life as we found it is too hard for us so we find these methods to deal with it:

- diversions

- substitute gratifications

- intoxicating substances

We are not humble because of the fear of someone taking advantage of that

You have to become a child to get the kingdom

Be humble enough to do the work

Humility in action not in words

Practical takeaways:

-read more (look for pieces of gold)

-more seminars, life events

-track and spend time with peoples that are where you want to by

-spend more money on your mind

To have a meaningful life be humble enough to say that you don’t have the answers

Own everything, put everything on you that’s how you grow (taking on responsibility for everything and dealing with it)

You find meaning by taking on responsibility for growing up in any area of your life

Daily stoic (contempt):


Tai third step -> Humility (see the notes)



Day review:

5:40 up


Post FB

Music + Art


Post medium

Out for movement

Breakfast + Tai third step -> the humility necessary for growth


Get ready for work

Out by 7:50 with my roommate

Some talking till work (about being an authentic person and what real love will actually imply)

Office by 8:03

Finish implementing some optimization

Message on Skype for changing my OS

Some emails

Status about how things are working in our department

Get some email from management

Intend to go to lunch with the team

But then get back to check the response to my email

Lunch by myself (felt really good)

Everything can be a real blessing if you know how to handle it and what to do with it

Some more optimization on some code

A loop of emails regarding an issue

A call

Some more emails

Some data checks

Finally a decision

Out by 17:00

Back to room to let some stuff


Park for streaching

Dinner + finish Tai third step





Some check on my work laptop

Start this review

Next sleep

