
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
2 min readJan 13, 2019


There are so many user manuals out there for all kinds of tools, but so less information about how to get control and properly use your mind. So let’s talk about attention, concentration and focus. How do you become better with attention and deeply focusing on the task at hand? Of course by practicing, attention is a skill, and like any other skill you get better at it by doing it. Unfortunately in era of information overloading we become better at the wrong thing: distraction, everything has the potential of grabbing our attention. The opposite of distraction is attraction, you need to be absorbed by what you are doing and to focus only on one thing at the time. Avoid multitasking, switching rapidly between different tasks, it lowers your IQ and is destroying your capacity to maintain attention on the work in front of you.

A beautiful phrase that I hear today from Daniel Goleman is: ‘Information consumes attention and wealth of information creates a poverty of attention’. So you need to choose what you want to engage with and not let someone or something to decide where your attention goes. A beautiful outcome form being completely present and fully engage with what are you doing is the state of ‘flow’ or ‘being in the zone’, a state in which your mind and body act like one, fully connected with the activity that you are doing.

One simple way of practicing attention, getting better with concentration and focus is by meditation, what I mean is to pay close attention to your breath, and when your mind (your awareness) starts to wonder to return to your breath.


What I hear I forgot

What I see I remember

What I do I understand

Practice make progress

Be in control of your attention

Daily checklist:

Daily Song: : Mozart — Requiem


Currently reading: Mastery by Robert Greene

Currently listening: Waking Up A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion By Sam Harris

Daily Lesson: One thing at the time, focus on the task at hand

Daily Draw: Gary Vaynerchuk quick sketch

Gary Vee

