
David Cap
One year journaling challenge
1 min readJun 13, 2019

3 things that you are grateful for:

- For my fingers nails

-For clean water

- For this summer

1 thing that you can do better:

- Play better


Before helping someone with anything see if that person can help itself (ex a capable beggar)

There are some people that really know how to play the game in order to get what they want.

This is just a phase this to will pass and you will start another game. So play the best you can the one you currently have.

Don’t expect anything do it for the goodness of it. When you expect something you are a manipulator.

When you really understand something will stick with you. Don’t be satisfied with a surface understanding go deeper.

“From Rusticus . . . I learned to read carefully and not be satisfied with a rough understanding of the whole, and not to agree too quickly with those who have a lot to say about something.”


About success:


